Informed real estate investment in Spain

The Spanish real estate market is still gaining in popularity. Easy access from anywhere in Europe, the increasing possibilities for remote working, as well as some favourable changes in taxation have made Spain an increasingly attractive destination. What better way to enjoy the beautiful climate, the fantastic and affordable lifestyle and all the other wonderful things Spain has to offer, than from the comfort of your own beautiful dream home in the sun!

When buying property abroad, the importance of good advice and guidance is obvious. Without professional assistance, the differences in language, rules and regulations can become a source of stress or even costly mistakes. IRIS COSTA CONSULTING s.l. was created specifically to help non-Spanish people realise their dream of acquiring a Spanish property, either as their (second) home or as an investment. We guide you through the entire purchasing process.

Investeer en geniet.

Market Knowledge

Dreaming about real estate in Spain for now or later? We give you a clear view of the current market and trends, and help you define what your ideal property may be.

Stressfree Formalities

During the purchase process we and the legal team take you step by step through all formalities. Proactively, so you don’t need to worry about what you don’t know but need to know.

Support Team

Once you are an owner, we remain at your disposal for any problems or questions you may have: whether you are looking for a locksmith or a cleaning lady; whatever it is, we can find it for you.

Wonderful beaches and magnificent landscapes with beautiful sunsets, outdoor adventures, ample golf courts and child-friendly activities,

charming villages and vibrant cities with their small ports, historical buildings, shopping hotspots,

tasty tapas, friendly people and so much more to discover.

Spain is to Europe what Florida is to the United States. More people from the northern part of Europe are finding their way to the south of Spain and making it their second home. Cheap flights have made access to this part of Europe even easier. The property crisis of the past years means that prices are recovering but still not too high. Now is the time to act.

Costa del Sol offers all the best of the great things Spain has to offer: the winter climate is the mildest in Spain, and the summer offers the biggest guarantee of a sunny holiday. The cultural heritage of Andalusia is impressive. Malaga is the up-and-coming place in the Mediterranean. Get inspired at!

Have you set your eyes on another area of Spain? Is the Costa Blanca more your thing? Let us know which area appeals to you. Iris Costa Consulting can also help you find your dream home anywhere in Spain. Different location, but the same high-quality service guaranteed.

Costa del Sol & other parts of Spain


Because of our network and how the Spanish property market is organised, we can offer our clients access to literally any property that is offered for sale, either new or existing constructions.

The resale market offers interesting opportunities for a variety of reasons: prices are usually negotiable, purchase and registration costs are lower than for newly built properties, and handover from seller to buyer can often be completed within 4 to 6 weeks, making your dream property immediately available for your enjoyment. Reach out to us to receive the latest selection of wonderful resale properties.

Real estate in Spain

New developments - off plan projects or projects still under development - can offer interesting opportunities, if you know how to select the right property in the right project. 

Contacteer ons for up to date information on the best developments currently on the market, built to the highest standards of quality and energy-efficiency.

About us.

After extensive research and preparation, and in the wake of the worldwide financial and real estate crisis, Wim decided to buy his own property on the Costa del Sol in 2013.

Over the course of 10 years and more than 70 visits, Wim has accumulated a wealth of knowledge of the area and its property market and has built his own large network of property developers, real estate agents, property lawyers and other specialists. He created IRIS COSTA CONSULTING s.l. to ensure his independence as a consultant. 

This makes him the ideal person to help you realise your dream of buying a Spanish home.

Wim speaks Spanish, Dutch and French fluently.

“We gaan zeer regelmatig voor lange weekendjes of andere vakanties naar onze woning in Spanje. Het is er echt zalig en we hebben nog geen seconde spijt gehad van onze beslissing!”

Wil u horen van andere mensen hoe ze hun droom hebben waargemaakt?

Maak kennis met Sandra en Michel, een koppel zelfstandigen, die onlangs een prachtige ‘townhouse’ kochten op de befaamde La Cala Golf Resort.


  • Sandra: Tijdens een babbel met een leverancier voor onze raamdecoratie-zaak ging het toevallig over Spanje. Ik vertelde over onze vakanties in Spanje en hoe leuk het zou zijn om er een eigen woning te hebben. De dame vertelde mij dat ze in 2016 een appartement hadden gekocht in Elviria, nabij Marbella, en zich hiervoor hadden laten begeleiden door Wim Blommaert, en gaf me zijn contactgegevens. We namen contact op en Wim kwam kort daarna thuis langs om zijn aanpak voor te stellen en te luisteren naar onze wensen en verwachtingen. Met de uitleg die we van Wim kregen, hadden we snel het gevoel dat we in goede handen waren en goed wisten waaraan we begonnen.

  • Michel: Een aantal weken daarna zagen we Wim terug aan de Costa Del Sol, en kregen we eerst een verkennend bezoek aan de regio waarin we interesse hadden, m.n. de zone tussen Malaga en Marbella. Dat beviel ons enorm, en dus nam Wim ons mee naar een aantal woningen die te koop stonden en aan onze criteria voldeden. We zagen in totaal een tiental verschillende woningen, allemaal leuke, moderne appartementen, maar we verloren ons hart aan een townhouse in een ‘community’ op de La Cala Golf Resort. De woning op twee niveau’s biedt meer ruimte dan de meeste appartementen en heeft door zijn ligging echt een fenomenaal panoramisch uitzicht.

  • Sandra: Wim hielp ons om een goede prijs te onderhandelen en begeleidde ons vervolgens door het hele proces van de aankoop tot en met de ondertekening van de akte bij de notaris. Zijn duidelijke uitleg en zijn zeer uitgebreide netwerk zorgden ervoor dat dit allemaal zeer vlot verliep. Achteraf konden we een beroep doen op zijn netwerk om een heleboel praktische dingen te regelen, gaande van de domiciliëring van de nutsvoorzieningen, de schilderwerken in de woning, het laten leveren van meubelen, enz. Nu de inrichting helemaal naar onze zin is, gaan we zeer regelmatig voor lange weekendjes of andere vakanties naar onze woning in Spanje. Het is er echt zalig en we hebben nog geen seconde spijt gehad van onze beslissing!

Wat andere klanten zeggen

  • An article on the tax benefits of living and investing in property in Andalucia, explained by a lawyer.

  • An article on real estate in Malaga.

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